ESN representatives Olivier Maurin, Anaelle Sorignet and ESN secretariat Devon Miller take part in Brussels from today until Saturday in an important 3 days working meeting with the partners of the Food Sovereignity alliance of Social Movements supported by COACH project. Along by many important partners in all over Europe, European Coordination Via Campesina as the representative of the small-scale farmers and agricultural and land workers, ESN as voice for pastoralist organisations at continental level and URGENCI and FIAN , which are at the meeting as the main civil society organisations working for another farming model, and a living countryside.

These allies , together with others from Europe and Central Asia are meeting to define a working plan for the Nyéléni Europe and Central Asia Food Sovereignty Movement. This includes actions regarding the IYRP 2026, and others towards the Global Nyeleni Gathering which will take place in India in 2025.

The meeting is supported by the COACH project, and the aims are to engage with relevant policymakers to present main policy demands and their rationale, to reflect collectively about next steps and areas for future collaboration beyond the project and to harvest ideas and inspiration to enrich the COACH Roadmap for the future of collaborative agri-food chains.
Thank you Olivier for continuing to fight for the rights and visibility of pastoralists rights to territorial governance and food sovereignty and strengthen pastoralists struggle in alliance with other constituencies.