Who We Are

European Shepherds Network is social movement  and the only alliance formed for and by grassroots  mobile pastoralist organisations in Europe.

It is also member and encompasses the European Chapter of the World Alliance for Mobile Indigenous Peoples and Pastoralists – WAMIP

Taking part in the General Assembly 2015 in Koblenz were :

Bulgarian Biodiversity Preservation Society SEMPERVIVA Bulgaria
Finnish Sámi Reindeer Herders Association Finland
Collectif pour la liberté de l’élevage France
Eleveur(se)s solidaires Paca France
Collectif des Races de Massif France
Bundesverband Berufsschäfer Germany
Vereinigung Deutscher Landesschafzuchtverbände (VDL) Germany
Schafzuchtverband Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. Germany
Schafzüchtervereinigung NRW Germany
Landesschafzuchtverbände Baden-Württemberg Germany
EMKH – Association of Pastoral Farmers of Epirus Greece
Associazione dei pastori transumanti del Triveneto Italy
Landelijke Werkgroep Professionele Schapenhouders NL
International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry Norway
Fundacja Pasterstwo Transhumancyjne Poland
Cooperative “Terra Chã” Portugal
Asotiatia Transhumanta Romania
Federación Estatal de Pastores Spain
Xarxa de Pastors i Pastores de Catalunya Spain
Shetland Animal Health Schemes UK

Initiators and founders of the ESN are :

Günther Czerkus –  Bundesverband Berufsschäfer e.V. (BVBS), Germany

 Erich Rose, Landelijke Werkgroep Professionele Schapenhouders Secretariaat (LWPS), Netherlands

Norman Leask, Scottish Crofters Federation (SCF), Scotland

Javier Colmenarejo , Federacion  Estatal de Pastores (FEP), Spain

Organisation team: 

Coordinator and facillitator : Fernando Garcia-Dory

Technical Secretary : Yuuka McPherson

Supporting partners:

European Forum on Nature Conservation and Pastoralism (EFNCP)

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

League for Pastoral Peoples (LPP)

World Initiative on Sustainable Pastoralism ( WISP)